libIRC libIRC afaik fwiw & imho libIRC is tcfw. bcnu rsn, bykt... ttfn, thx. :-)


libIRC is a cross-platform framework for connecting to and interacting with Internet Relay Chat (IRC) networks. libIRC is useful as the foundation for embedding IRC capabilities into various applications such as chat clients, games, and irc bots.



Thu Sep 30 05:51:31 GMT 2004

libIRC is under active development. Watch the CVS commit progress or join the mailing lists for updates. Drop by #irc on for a more exact status update and to actually chat with the devs. In the meantime, keep an eye out on the SourceForge libIRC project site for updates, downloads, and more information.

July 20, 2004 17:41:48 EDT

Project registration/takeover was requested.

afaik fwiw & imho libIRC is tcfw. bcnu rsn, bykt... ttfn, thx. :-)
© 2004

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